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Enhancement of Indoor Air Quality Management for Public TransportationRevision of Indoor Air Quality Management Act Includes the Supervision for Public Transportation

[The Hwankyung Ilbo]The Minister of Environment Myung-rae Cho announced that the newly revised ‘Indoor Air Quality Management Act’ will contain new standards for fine dust in public transportations which will take into effect on April 3rd. However, this sub-statute will be limited to subways, rail services, intercity buses, save intra-city buses, shuttle buses. These excluded buses are not subjected to this management as they open doors frequently, along with passengers opening windows, which easily allows them to have a higher concentration of fine dust from outside.

In addition to further management of public transportation, the management of air quality in public facilities, such as libraries and youth facilities, has been stipulated in its details for regulation and measurements.

As the new law includes transportation as an indoor facility, like all facility owners, transportation businesses also have to report the measurements of air quality for 20% of their vehicles. For intra-city buses, they would only need to report 50 units. Furthermore, to facilitate the measurements, all metro stations will have fine dust measuring instruments, showing the data live on screen publicly.

The Ministry hopes that this new management will publicize the measurements and strengthen the responses against fine dust. It further plans to support youth and elder facilities with conducting diagnosis and improvements to meet the air quality standards.

Chijung Park Reporter  chijungpark@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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