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2020 P4G Summit to be held in South Korea'2020년 P4G 정상회의 한국서 열려'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The first meeting of the preparatory committee for the ‘2020 Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030(P4G)’ was held jointly by Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa and Environment Minister Cho Myoung-rae on December 20.

P4G stands for the Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030, which refers to international solidarity to accelerate the achievement of global goals such as green growth and sustainable development through public-private partnerships involving businesses and civil society.

The preparatory committee is composed of 22 members including the foreign minister and environment minister as co-chairmen, and government officials from 14 related ministries as well as commission members from related agencies, committees, civil society and companies.

The preparatory committee is a consultative body that deliberates and resolves important issues such as the establishment of event plans, evaluation of the preparation situation, and agenda development related to the P4G summit.

“As the core of the P4G initiative is a private-private partnership, we will continue to prepare for the P4G summit while maintaining active cooperation at a pan-governmental level so that not only the government but also all stakeholders such as civil society and businesses can participate and communicate,” a member of the preparatory committee said. “We plan to hold regular meetings of the preparatory committee in the future to discuss ways of cooperation among the ministries.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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