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Environment Minister checks indoor air quality in underground subway stations '환경부 장관, 지하역사 실내공기질 점검'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Environment Minister Cho Myung-rae visited Dapsimni Station on Subway Line No. 5 in Seongdong-gu, Seoul, on December 5 to check on the management of indoor air quality at underground stations.

The visit was made to specifically check air quality management of multi-use facilities close to people's lives under the fine dust seasonal management system (December this year to March next year) that took effect this week.

The Ministry of Environment and 17 cities and provinces across the country plan to carry out inspections of 649 underground stations during the seasonal management system.

During the visit, Minister Cho Myoung-rae checked the operation, maintenance and management of ventilation facilities in underground stations and checked the situation of air quality monitoring.

In order to manage indoor air quality in subway stations, the Ministry of Environment established '3rd underground station air quality improvement measures' last year and is supporting local governments (Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju and Incheon) that operate subways, and private urban railroad organizations for the cost of reducing and managing fine dust.

The Ministry of Environment plans to complete the installation of ultrafine dust measuring devices and air purification facilities at all underground subway station platforms nationwide by 2021.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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