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Amendment to the Act on the Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity passes the National Assembly's plenary session'생물다양성법 개정안 국회 통과'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The amendment to the Act on the Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity passed a plenary session of the National Assembly on November 19. This will define the concept of ecosystem services and provide a basis for measuring and valuation of ecosystem services.

Rep. Jeon Hyunheui of the Democratic Party of Korea said, “The Act on the Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity was enacted in 2012 to systematically preserve biodiversity and implement the Convention on Biological Diversity, but it is still difficult to systematically assess the value of ecological services and to reflect the policy.”

As the quantity and quality of biodiversity decreases due to climate change, habitat destruction, and invasion of alien species, and the benefits of nature to human beings are drastically reduced, the international community has established policies and institutions that consider the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The amendment categorizes the concept of ecosystem services into supply services, adjustment services, cultural services, and support services, provides the basis for the measurement and valuation of ecological service levels and for rewarding the conservation and promotion of ecosystem services.

“The passage of this amendment will reflect ecosystem services in the policy process, so all citizens will be able to continue to receive equal natural benefits,” said Rep. Joen Hyunheui.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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