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Ministry of Environment designates 200 species that are likely to cause potential risk'환경부, 위해 우려 외래생물 200종 선정'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment will designate 200 ‘inflow caution species’ that, if introduced into Korea, are likely to cause harm to ecosystems and others and announce them on October 31.

The 200 species that belong to the ‘inflow caution species’ consist of existing potential risk species (153 species), malignant invasive alien species designated by the IUCN, species that cause overseas damage, and existing 'ecosystem disturbance creatures'.

The 200 species include 10 mammals, 7 birds, 61 fish, 1 mollusk, 1 arthropod, 23 amphibians, 14 reptiles, 1 insect, 32 spiders and 50 plants.

In order to import creatures, eggs, subsidiary organs (flowers, berries, seeds, roots) and samples of living ‘inflow caution species,’ approval must be obtained from the local environmental offices. Upon initial application for import approval, the species concerned will be assessed for risk.

“The purpose of the designation of inflow caution species is to prevent possible ecological disruption by including species that are suspected of being harmful in the management list,” said an official from the Ministry of Environment. “We plan to strengthen the prior management base of alien organisms by expanding the scope of designation of 'inflow caution species’ and consolidating the cooperative system with the Korea Customs Service to manage the customs clearance of the species.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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