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17 local governments enact ordinance for operation restriction of emission-grade 5 vehicles'배출가스 5등급 차량 운행제한 기반 마련'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Environment Ministry said that the basis has been laid for 17 local governments across the country to restrict the operation of emission-grade 5 vehicles in the event of the issuance of high-concentration fine dust emergency reduction measures, as Busan promulgated the ordinance on September 25.

Under the Special Act on Reduction and Management of Fine Dust, 17 provincial and municipal governments across the country have decided necessary matters such as the restrictions on the operation of vehicles, the target vehicles, the time of issuance, and the procedures for issuance.

The crackdown on vehicles subject to restriction of operation is based on the unmanned surveillance system installed and operated by each local government.

Car owners who violate the restrictions without justifiable reasons will be fined up to 100,000 won.

Vehicles with low pollution engine or modified or replaced with low pollution engine, commercial vehicles prescribed by the municipal ordinance and emergency vehicle are excluded from the driving restrictions.

The Ministry of Environment has more than tripled the amount of projects to support low-pollution measures against old vehicles, using a total of 681.8 billion won including a supplementary budget this year.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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