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Korea International Safety & Health Show Presents Innovative Ways to Achieve Occupational Safety170 companies from 10 different countries participated to promote on how safety could be achieved for the advancing society.
The front gate of the exhibition <Photography=Chijung Park>

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] In the week-long Korea International Safety and Health Show at Coex mall, an exhibition was hosted by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency. With more than 630 booths with 170 companies, this exhibition promoted the theme of occupational safety and workers’ health.

Ranging from simple hiking boots and masks to the latest inventions of wireless flame detectors, each booth promoted a wide variety of products. Specifically, they were categorized into seven sections: industrial safety, occupational health, disaster prevention, safety management, lab safety, smart (technology) safety, and public service.

The top left picture shows hiking shoe, bottom left picture shows industrial equipment, the top right shows mask filters, and the bottom right shows industrial machines. <Photography=Chijung Park>

While much of the products were shifted towards occupational safety, a small number of companies tried to encompass the value of the environment. For instance, FR-System from Dongyang company was promoting environment-friendly tiles. All of their tiles were built to be sustainable against any environmental impacts such as corrosion or rain. Another booth had a solar-powered water filter that could produce drinkable water in three hours.

The top left picture shows FR-System's booth, the top right picture shows the job fair, and the bottom picture shows companies that use VR. <Photography=Chijung Park>

Throughout the exhibition, there was no doubt that high-tech products brought the majority of the attention. It was interesting to see the integration of advanced technology into safety products such as smoke detectors connected to a single app or automated filter tests for mask assessments. Furthermore, instead of simple infographics with brochures, few infrastructures companies-such as Solt works-employed virtual reality interaction to teach about the dangers of faulty buildings and bridges.

As society continues to grow and advance, the safety of its workers should become more important. In such a notion, the Korea International Safety and Health Exhibition Show facilitates the process of raising awareness on securing workers’ safety.

The various products that each company promoted aspired awe as their purpose was to improve the integration of safety, environment, service, and technology. The exhibition was not only a show but also an opportunity for many people to experience and learn about how safety could be achieved.

Chijung Park Reporter  chijungpark@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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