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Ministry of Environment to strengthen the management of sources of VOCs'오존 미세먼지 원인물질 VOCs 줄인다'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment will announce the revision of the Enforcement Rules of the Clean Air Conservation Act on July 16 to strengthen the management of sources of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) that cause high concentrations of fine dust and ozone.

The amendment focuses on the reduction of VOCs emissions from production processes, such as crude oil refining, and organic solvents such as paints, which account for 73% of total VOC emissions.

The strengthened facility management standards and VOCs standards will take effect on January 1 next year, and a grace period will be given for long-term facility improvement.

The main contents of the revision are strengthening facility management standards for about 1,640 emission businesses in the country, including crude oil refining and processing industries, and strengthening the standard for inclusion of paint VOCs in 5,733 paint manufacturers and distributors across the country.

Korea's annual VOCs emissions have been rising steadily from 870,000 tons in 2010 to 920,000 tons in 2015, and the number of ozone warning cases issued has also increased sharply from 133 in 2015 to 489 in 2018.

The Ministry of Environment expects that the revised enforcement rules will reduce VOCs by about 150,000 tons (15% of total VOCs emissions) from petrochemical plants and the use of organic solvents.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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