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Management of indoor air quality in public transportation to be strengthened'대중교통 실내공기질 관리 강화'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The government will push for measures to strengthen the management of indoor air quality, which is jointly established by related ministries, in order to create a safe indoor environment from fine dust.

The 2nd Special Committee on Fine Dust held on June 28 reviewed and confirmed ‘measures to strengthen indoor air quality management’.

The government set a goal of reducing 10% of indoor fine dust levels by 2022 compared to 2017 by carrying out 10 tasks in 4 areas.

To achieve this, the government will give priority to vulnerable groups such as infants, children and students, expand support for measures to reduce indoor fine dust, and strengthen the management of various indoor spaces.

In order to improve the subway environment used by an average of 10 million people a day, the government plans to gradually replace aged ventilation facilities 20 years after they were installed in underground station platforms and waiting rooms by 2022.

A new ultrafine dust (PM2.5) standard for public transportation vehicles (subway, railway, intercity bus) will be established, and air purifiers will be installed inside the passenger cars.

In addition, automatic ultrafine dust (PM2.5) measuring devices will be installed in all 627 underground stations nationwide,

The government plans to reorganize the coordination consultative body for indoor air quality management and to strengthen communication between the central, local and private sectors through the participation of local governments and private experts, and to consult, coordinate and implement policies on indoor air quality.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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