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Ministry of Environment’s supplementary budget to fight against fine dust'환경부, 미세먼지 대응 1조원대 추경 편성'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment said the ministry's supplementary budget to cope with fine dust pollution has been drawn up at about 1.06 trillion won. The figure is a 97% increase from the ministry's budget of 1.09 trillion won for fine dust in 2019.

The Ministry of Environment is planning to significantly expand the projects that have proven to be effective in reducing emissions in industries (38%), transportation (28%) and life (19%), such as early retirement of diesel cars and support for conversion of old freight cars to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) vehicles.

The Ministry of Environment's expansion of emission reduction project is expected to further reduce fine dust by about 6,000 tons within this year, which is equivalent to annual emissions of 3.7 million diesel passenger cars.

In order to protect the public's health, the government will set up a fine dust automatic measuring device at all 553 subway stations nationwide to disclose information in real time, and also push for a new project to install air purifiers in subway cars and stations.

In addition, the monitoring network for eradicating illegal emission and emission manipulation by domestic emission sources will be closely monitored, and the measurement and analysis system will be upgraded to improve the accuracy of emission calculation and cause analysis.

The Ministry of Environment will expand the supply of electric vehicle hydrogen vehicles and expand charging facilities.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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