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Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to jointly deal with fine dust in rural areas'농식품부-환경부, 농촌 미세먼지 공동대응'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs signed an agreement on April 22 to deal with fine dust in the farming and rural sectors.

The two ministries plan to prevent damage to farmers and agricultural and livestock products that are vulnerable to exposure to fine dust, jointly carry out research on sources of ammonia emissions, and develop measures to protect and support the agricultural sector.

In rural areas, fine dust is emitted directly or indirectly from various sources of emissions, including incineration of farming waste, agricultural machinery and agricultural land for livestock or fertilizer use, even though the number of workplaces and automobiles is relatively smaller than in urban areas.

There has been continuous public opinion that fine dust in rural areas should be actively managed as it could directly damage farmers, livestock and crops.

The two ministries plan to devise measures to protect workers in the agricultural sector who are vulnerable to high-concentration fine dust, considering that there are many aged farmers work outdoors.

They also plan to carry out research on the management of illegal incineration of agricultural residues and the emission of fine dust-causing substances.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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