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The 11th Climate Change Week from April 19 to 25''SOS, 나의 지구를 구해줘'...제11호 기후변화주간'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment announced that it will run the 11th Climate Change Week from April 19 to 25.

This year's Climate Change Week's core slogan was "SOS, Save My Earth!" to effectively inform the public about the seriousness of climate change and the need for low carbon living.

Various events will be held throughout the country during the Climate Change Week.

On April 19, when the Climate Change Week begins, the opening event, co-hosted by the Ministry of Environment and the Seoul Metropolitan Government and organized by the Korea Climate & Environment Network, will be held at Ichon Han River Park in Yongsan-gu, Seoul.

Campaigns to activate the use of mobile receipts and increase awareness of plastic separate collection and recycling will begin at 10 a.m. on April 22.

Starting at 8 p.m. on April 22, a 10-minute lights-out event will be held in various parts of the country to raise awareness of climate change and public interest in practicing low-carbon life on the occasion of Earth Day.

Various other events will also be organized by local governments, civic groups and public organizations across the country.

“We hope the people will recognize the importance of low-carbon life through this Climate Change Week event and join in small practices in our lives to protect our planet,” Environment Minister Cho Myung-rae said.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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