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Real road emission standards of small and medium diesel vehicles to be strengthened'소형 경유차, 배출 허용기준 강화'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment made a pre-announcement of legislation of a revision of the Enforcement Rule of the Clean Air Conservation Act for 40 days from April 15, which includes strengthening real road standards for nitrogen oxide emitted by small and medium diesel vehicles (less than 3.5 tons of total weight) since January 2020.

The revision is one of the implementation tasks of the ‘Fine Dust Management Measures’ announced by the Ministry of Environment on November 8 last year, and will strengthen standards for emission of nitrogen oxide to a level equivalent to those of the European Union.

It was originally stipulated that the real road emission standard should be within 2.1 times of indoor certification mode (0.08g/km) from September 2017 and within 1.5 times from January 2020.

The revision, however, will further strengthen 5 percent from what was defined as 1.5 times (0.12g/km) since January 2020, setting it at 1.43 times (0.114g/km).

The standards for hydrocarbon emissions by large gas vehicles (total weight of 3.5 tons or more) have also been strengthened from 0.96 g/kWh to 0.75 g/kWh, which is equivalent to those of the European Union, and will be applied from January 2021.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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