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Seoul establishes fine dust control tower'서울 미세먼지 재난대책본부 출범...총력 대응체계 구축'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Seoul Metropolitan Government has launched a fine dust control tower to cope with the high concentration of fine dust and a think tank ‘Fine Dust Research and Policy Advisory Group’.

The fine dust control tower is composed of five teams headed by the Mayor of Seoul, including 25 district offices in Seoul and affiliated institutions.

The ‘Fine Dust Research and Policy Advisory Group’ held its first meeting on April 8 and discussed the direction of the city's fine dust policy, while discussing the composition and operation of the ‘Fine Dust Research Institute’ to be established in the future.

The ‘Fine Dust Research Institute’ will be established with the aim of drawing up a systematic roadmap for fine dust through the establishment of a cooperative system for research related to fine dust, which is currently being carried out individually by the Research Institute of Public Health and Environment, the Seoul Institute of Technology and the Seoul Institute.

In response, Seoul will establish an integrated research system at the city level and implement policy research, technology development and verification comprehensively by utilizing the expertise of each agency.

“We expect effective policies to reduce fine dust through scientific measurement and analysis of fine dust and professional technical verification to be drawn up,” said Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon. “We hope that the proposals of the Fine Dust Research and Policy Advisory Group will be linked to the fine dust policies that citizens can feel.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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