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Korea Meteorological Administration to carry out joint experiment of artificial rain with China according to plan'기상청, 한중 인공강우 공동연구 차질 없이 추진'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Korea Meteorological Administration said on April 10, “The joint experiment of artificial rain between Korea and China is being carried out with the aim of acquiring advanced technology through the exchange of experts in artificial rain between the two countries.”

The two countries’ experts will jointly participate in artificial rainfall experiments to design and carry out experiments.

“China's artificial rainfall experiment has been mainly conducted in inland areas to secure precipitation in its own country, but we agreed on the need for an experiment in the West Sea and decided to further discuss it later,” said the Korea Meteorological Administration.

The Korea Meteorological Administration also expressed the opinion on the necessity of prior research on the characteristics of the West Sea cloud regarding the West Sea artificial rainfall experiment using its meteorological aircraft and explained that China can also conduct a basic survey on cloud conditions in the areas under test and try to test artificial rainfall based on the results. China's artificial rainfall experiment this year is mainly concentrated in western China.

The Korea Meteorological Administration said that China had conducted artificial rainfall experiments for the purpose of reducing fine dust. However, it explained that the number of experiments was small and the results were not verified.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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