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Rural Development Administration to invest 200.9 billion won in R&D on climate change response in agricultural sector'농진청, 농업분야 기후변화 대응 R&D에 2009억 투자'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Rural Development Administration said it plans to invest 200.9 billion won in R&D in response to climate change in the agricultural sector for a total of eight years from 2020 to 2027.

As a result of 2018 preliminary feasibility study on the third national R&D project of Ministry of Science and ICT, the project to establish a new system to cope with changes in agricultural climate requested by the Rural Development Administration was approved.

The project was organized to identify (forecast) the impact and vulnerability on agriculture to proactively respond to current or future climate change, utilize it as a beneficial opportunity (adaptation I), and strive to minimize damage (adaptation II), and to promote efforts by the agricultural sector to reduce the size of climate change (mitigation) from a long-term perspective.

Accordingly, the government will increase its short-term predictability based on precise measurement data such as assessment of climate change impact and vulnerability, and develop crop cultivation technologies and livestock specification technologies such as plantation and crop system that can overcome climate and seasonal characteristics by taking into account marketability and regional characteristics.

In order to minimize damage from abnormal weather conditions, the government plans to upgrade weather forecasting technology at farm units to expand early warning services such as mobile phone text notification to 156 cities nationwide.

In addition, the government will develop and distribute technologies for measuring, managing and reducing greenhouse gases in the agricultural and livestock sectors and energy efficiency of agricultural facilities to realize low-carbon agriculture by laying the foundation for reducing greenhouse gases in the agricultural and livestock sectors.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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