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‘2050 Low Carbon Society Vision Forum’ to be launched'2050년 국가 저탄소 사회 청사진 만든다'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment announced that the '2050 Low Carbon Society Vision Forum' will be launched on March 29.

The ‘2050 Low Carbon Society Vision Forum’ was designed to prepare the country's ‘2050 National Low Carbon Development Strategy’ that will be submitted to the international community by 2020 through discussions with various stakeholders.

58 experts from industry and civil society will participate in six sections including general affairs, conversion, industry, transport and building, agriculture, fishery, forestry and waste and youth.

Participants will have a sectional in-depth discussion and gather opinions on the national low-carbon development strategy, national GHG reduction targets and key strategies until the end of the year, and then make recommendations and suggestions to the government.

In addition to the forum, a technical task force consisting of 33 people from 21 state-run organizations, will be operated separately for the establishment of the 2050 National Low Carbon Development Strategy.

Including the forum's recommendations, the government plans to finalize the government proposal in the second half of next year after gathering opinions from ministries from the end of this year to the first half of next year and submit it to the international community (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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