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Government to crack down on vehicle exhaust fumes from March 18 to April 17'미세먼지 감축... 전국 운행차 배출가스 특별단속'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment announced that it will crack down on vehicles that exceed the emission standards for driving vehicles at 430 points along with 17 cities and provinces nationwide from March 18 to April 17 in order to reduce fine dust in the spring.

The local governments will focus on the crackdown on vehicle exhaust fumes, and the Korea Environment Corporation under the Ministry of Environment remotely monitors emissions from gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) vehicles.

The Korea Environment Corporation is planning to crack down on gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas cars that are driving in nine places metropolitan areas, one in Daejeon, and one in Ulsan without stopping the vehicles using Remote Sensing Device(RSD).

Drivers are subject to this crackdown and will be fined less than 2 million won if they do not comply with the crackdown, avoid or interfere with it. Vehicles exceeding the emission acceptance criteria are ordered to undergo maintenance and inspection within 15 days.

If the vehicle is not maintained and inspected, it will be suspended for up to 10 days, and if the driver does not comply with the suspension order, a fine of up to 3 million won will be imposed.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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