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Last year’s power consumption rose due to sweltering heat'2018년 역대 최악 폭염, 가정용 전기사용 '껑충''

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Total electricity consumption in 2018 was 526,149 GWh, showing an annual average increase of more than 3.2% over the past decade (2009 ~ 2018).

After peaking at 10.1% in 2010, the growth rate of electricity consumption seemed to slow down, ▷ 4.8% in 2011, ▷ 2.5% in 2012, ▷ 1.8% in 2013, and ▷ 0.6% in 2014, but increased 1.3% in 2015 and ▷ 2.8% in 2016 ▷ 2.2% in 2017 ▷ 3.6% in 2018.

Over the past 10 years since 2009, the use of electricity in Korea has increased by 33.4%, but agricultural use of electricity (91.3%) and industrial use (41.5%) has increased by more than 40%, and educational use has also increased by 34.2%.

The increase was 30.5% for the general(commercial) use and 22.7% for housing, which was lower than the overall growth rate.

Last year, due to the worst heat wave ever, electricity consumption for households, farming and education were greatly increased.

In particular, housing use of electricity totaled 72,895 GWh, an increase of 6.3% over the previous year, which was 65,844 GWh. This is the highest level in 25 years since the electricity statistics were compiled in 1993, and it is the first time last year that electricity consumption for domestic homes exceeded 70,000 GWh.

The composition of electricity consumption by use is 55.7% for industrial use, 22.2% for general use, 13.9% for housing use, 3.5% for rural use, 2.4% for late night use, 1.6% for educational use, 0.7% for streetlamps, and industrial and general (commercial) sectors accounted for 77.9%.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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