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Ministry of Environment to crack down on massive fine dust emission sites'미세먼지 대량 배출현장 특별점검'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment will conduct a special inspection on massive dust emission sites from February 25 to May 31 in cooperation with related agencies such as the Korea Forest Service and local governments to prepare for high concentration fine dust in spring.

This inspection is to minimize the damage of the public health and to prevent fine dust from illegal activities by closely checking and monitoring the site of mass dust emission such as the air discharge business site, construction site and illegal incineration.

The air pollution monitoring team (drone tracking), which was launched on February 19, will participate in this inspection, and it will increase efficiency of crackdown on areas where small businesses are concentrated by using the latest equipment such as unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and mobile measurement vehicles.

In addition, as illegal incineration is expected in rural areas as preparations for farming begin in the spring, the government will also crack down on illegal incineration of agricultural residues.

“Preemptive management of emission sources is required because high concentrations of fine dust are frequently generated in spring,” an official from the Ministry of Environment said. “In order to reduce fine dust, the participation and cooperation of all of the people are needed.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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