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Korea Forest Service to restore destroyed forest of DMZ'비무장지대 일원 산림훼손지 11ha 복원한다'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Korea Forest Service plans to spend 1.4 billion won on restoring forests in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) this year to maintain the forest ecosystem and promote biodiversity.

The Korea Forest Service announced on February 15 that it will seek to restore 11 hectares of destroyed forest in the DMZ. The area, which covers a total forest area of 114,612 hectares, is an ecological repository with about 2,504 species out of 4,499 species of native plants and naturalized plants.

The Enforcement Decree of the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act will also be prepared for the efficient and systematic promotion of forest restoration projects.

The Forest Resources Act, a basic principle for maintenance and promotion of sustainable forest ecosystem, includes the definition of forest restoration, principles, the establishment of basic plans and implementation plans, the survey on the status of forest restoration sites, the ex-post monitoring of forest restoration sites, and the establishment of a stable supply base for forest restoration materials.

“Based on our successful forest restoration experience over the past 50 years, we will strive to restore the livelihood and health of the DMZ,” an official from the Korea Forest Service said. “we are planning to spread the technology to restore North Korea's devastated forests if further inter-Korean exchanges spread.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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