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Government to operate preemptive water management system in preparation for spring drought'경북, 전남, 강원 일부지역 봄철 가뭄 대비 필요'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The government has decided to check measures to prevent spring disasters such as forest fires and droughts, and to push ahead with preemptive water management in preparation for drought, which is repeated every year.

Accumulated precipitation and water storage rate across the country are currently higher than usual, and the precipitation is expected to be similar to that of the average year until April, so water is expected to be normally supplied for the time being.

However, as the amount of rainfall this winter is low and the variability of precipitation can be large, the government plans to maintain a drought management system by promoting preemptive water management centered on some areas of interest.

Accordingly, the government will strengthen the provision of drought information, and continue to push for the expansion of facilities in areas where drought regularly happens in accordance with the 2019 drought comprehensive measures established in January of this year.

In addition, the government will secure and support in stages water in areas where water shortage occurs repeatedly.

For the area of interest that uses small water sources, water will be preemptively supplied using alternative water sources, and for the islands, which lack water at all times due to geographical conditions, the installation of underwater pipelines and underground reservoirs will be expanded.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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