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Special law on fine dust reduction and management takes effect'미세먼지 특별법 시행... 특별대책위원회 출범'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] A special law on fine dust reduction and management, which is the legal basis for measures against fine dust, will take effect on February 15.

A new government-civilian fine dust policy deliberation committee is to be established under the Prime Minister’s Office in accordance with the Special Act on Particulate Matter Reduction and Management, which was enacted and proclaimed in August last year.

The committee will to hold its first meeting on February 15 to discuss the direction of the committee’s operation and the important issues of fine dust, with the attendance of Prime Minister, representatives of 17 central government bodies and private experts.

Under the special law, local governments are obliged to take emergency dust reduction measures if the daily average level of ultrafine particles exceeds 50㎍/㎥ and the figure is forecast to top that level again the next day.

If the emergency reduction measures are enforced, the provincial and municipal governments will be able to implement measures such as changing operation time, adjusting operation rate or improving efficiency for facilities that emit a lot of fine dust, such as coal-fired power plants, iron-making plants, petrochemical and refining plants, and cement manufacturing plants.

Violators will be subject to a fine of up to 2 million won.

Driving restrictions will be implemented in stages starting with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, where the ordinance is enacted.

Seoul will restrict the use of grade 5 emission vehicles from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and impose a fine of 100,000 won on violators when the emergency measures are issued.

In addition, protective measures to protect the health of vulnerable people from fine dust, including children and elderly people, will be set up.

Heads of local governments will select areas where facilities used by vulnerable people are concentrated among areas where fine dust pollution is considered serious and designate them as intensive management areas.

“The enforcement of the special law has established a system for all central and local governments to join and check implementation through the committee, and we will strive to achieve the goal of reducing fine dust by 38.5% (compared to emissions in 2014),” an official from the ministry said.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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