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Seoul recruiting members of the driving mileage system to reduce fine dust'미세먼지 저감 '승용차마일리지' 회원 모집'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Seoul is recruiting a total of 71,000 new members from February 11 for the voluntary campaign ‘driving mileage’ to reduce fine dust and greenhouse gas emissions.

This system was introduced in 2017 by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which provides up to 70,000 points depending on the distance when the mileage of the year is shortened compared with the annual mileage of the previous year.

The point can be used to pay taxes or buy gift cards.

By 2021, Seoul aims to recruit a total of 250,000 members (based on vehicles) of the driving mileage system. As of December 2018, there were 79,590 members.

23,436 out of 51,247 members who joined in 2017 reduced their mileage by 19 million kilometers (1,425 million points) compared to before their joining.

Citizens who want to join the membership can register photos of the license plate and dashboard of initial driving distance after registering on the Seoul Metropolitan Government's website, or visiting the local community center nearby.

“Seoul's driving mileage is a system that helps improve the air quality by reducing fine dust and greenhouse gases,” an official from the Seoul Metropolitan Government said. “We hope that citizens will enjoy benefits such as receiving additional mileage by using public transportation when emergency fine dust reduction measures are issued.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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