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75% fine dust in mid-January came from abroad'1월 중순 미세먼지, 75%는 국외 영향'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The National Institute of Environmental Research under the Environment Ministry announced the results of a comprehensive analysis on the causes of fine dust (PM2.5) that took place from January 11 to 15.

In this case, the "bad" level of concentration lasted for five days from January 11 and it was a high concentration phenomenon that was at the "very bad" level (above 75μg/m3) on January 12.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Research's analysis of domestic and international impacts using air quality modeling techniques, about 75 percent of fine dust came from outside Korea.

This high concentration was analyzed to have been caused by an unusual situation in which fine dust first flew into the country on January 10 to 11 in the atmospheric stagnation state due to the influence of high atmospheric pressure in the Shandong Peninsula and the northern part of China, and after January 13, strong pollutants from overseas were added due to the northwestern wind.

The National Institute of Environmental Research will send research analysis results to China and strengthen research cooperation with China since the high concentration level was caused by the worsening air quality and accumulation of pollutants both in Korea and China.

In addition, in order to enhance the ability to cope with early warning between the two countries, a separate session will be held during the Korea-China-Japan policy dialogue to be held in Japan on February 20 this year, and a working level consultation will be carried out to mutually share the fine dust alert information.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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