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Water supply rate in Korea reaches 99.1%'전국 상수도 보급률 99.1%... 도농격차 감소'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment published the 2017 water supply statistics that show the current state of Korea's water supply.

According to the statistics, the number of tap water users was 52.46 million, and the water supply rate rose by 0.2% from the previous year to 99.1%.

The water supply rate in rural areas was 94.3% (1.6% increase compared to the previous year), which was 14.6% increase from 79.7% in 2008. This is seen as a result of intensive supply of water to farming and fishing villages in order to improve water welfare in vulnerable areas.

About 682 million tons of tap water, 10.5% of the total annual tap water production, was lost due to water leakage caused by aging water pipes and the loss is estimated to be 613 billion won.

Approximately 32.4% (67,676 km) of the waterworks facilities installed nationwide are old water pipes installed before 1997, and it is necessary to improve the facilities to reduce losses due to leakage.

Total daily water consumption per person including household and business use is 289 liters, and has continued to increase since 2008.

The average production cost of tap water is 898 won per square meter, and the rate of water rate realization (water charge relative to production cost) is 80.5%, down 0.6% from the previous year.

“We will spend 150 billion won on the development of drinking water sources in the islands so that all people can enjoy the benefits of clean tap water,” said an official of the Ministry of Environment. “We will continue to improve the old waterworks facilities through the modernization project of local waterworks.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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