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Government to promote the purchase of green products by public institutions'공공기관 녹색제품 구매 강화'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Hyun-hee announced that she proposed a revision bill of the Act on Promotion of Purchase of Green Products to encourage public institutions to buy green products.

Under the current law, public institutions are required to purchase green products to prevent waste of resources and environmental pollution and the Ministry of Environment has to collect and publish the records of green products purchased by public institutions.

However, while the purchasing rate of green products by public institutions is decreasing every year, it is pointed out that the Ministry of Environment has not prepared any measures to promote the purchasing performance except for the collection and announcement of the purchase records of green products, which lacks effectiveness.

According to the revised bill, the Environment Minister is allowed to ask the heads of public organizations, which show low purchasing performance, to promote the purchase of green products and the heads of public institutions that are requested to cooperate have to buy green products if there is no special reason.

“We expect that the revision will encourage the purchase of green products and allow the Ministry of Environment, which is in charge, to actively implement measures to promote the purchase of green products,” said Jeon Hyun-hee of the Democratic Party.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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