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Regulations on unauthorized use of eco-label to be strengthened'엉터리 친환경 인증 제재 강화'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Regulations on false advertisements for products whose eco-label certification has been revoked will be strengthened. Shin Bo-ra of the Liberty Korea Party said that she proposed the "Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act," which includes the above.

The main content of the bill is to reinforce the penalty clause and cancel the certification, which currently imposes a fine of 1 million won or less on the suppliers who interferes with the follow-up management of products or refuse to submit the data and to remove the label within 30 days when the certification is canceled and submit the performance result.

Eco-label products are increasing every year based on various government incentives. The number of products certified annually also increased by 86 percent from 7,777 in 2011 to 14,447 in 2018.

While increasing number of certified products, it is pointed out that the follow-up management of products that monitors the quality of products and the unauthorized use of marks has been poor.

“Based on the government's policy to promote purchasing green products and citizens' environmental awareness, environmental awareness will expand significantly in the future,” said Shin Bo-ra of the Liberty Korea Party. “It is natural to raise business owners' responsibility for quality control and supervise unauthorized use of eco-label in line with the growth of the market.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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