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The 6th World Green Energy Forum to be held in Gyeongju from October 7 to 9'2018 월드그린에너지포럼, 7일 경주서 개최'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The 6th World Green Energy Forum will be held in Gyeongju from October 7 to 9.

Industry, academia and government will participate in the forum to seek alternative policies to realize government goals and tasks that are followed by changes in global energy environment. The forum, which has been held every other year since 2008, is an international forum where former presidents and heads of international organizations from around the world participate.

Former French President Francois Hollande will appear as a keynote speaker to present the direction of future nuclear energy and renewable energy coexistence, the role of renewable energy in Korea's energy conversion policy, and the direction of fostering the fourth industrial revolution energy new industry.

Major events include opening ceremony and keynote speech, five sessions on policy technology (sunlight, sea wind, fuel cell, ESS, smart city and grid), and future energy revolution business briefings. The session will be linked to the future energy industry in Korea and abroad to share trends in the policy sector of convergence of energy technologies and examples of excellent cooperation. In addition, experts will hold discussions to promote international cooperation.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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