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Korea Green Foundation to hold ‘2018 Vegetarian Film Festival’'기후변화를 고민하다, 2018 채식영화제'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Korea Green Foundation said that it will hold the ‘2018 Vegetarian Film Festival’ at the Seoul Theater from the 29th to the 30th.

The Korea Green Foundation is a private foundation for public interest established in 2002 to promote environmental issues as the most urgent and important issue of our time through culture. In 2004, it hosted the first environmental film festival, the Seoul Eco Film Festival, and has sought coexistence between the environment and human beings.

"The permafrost of the Arctic, which we thought would never melt, is melting, and the Earth is gradually becoming a greenhouse gas-emitting plant," said the office of the Seoul Eco Film Festival. “Climate change has created an unpredictable future and has caused disasters. In this situation, we planned the '2018 Vegetarian Film Festival', which is about the vegetarian culture that can contribute to solving the environmental problems with the most moderate but ethical and sure way after considering how to become healthy together with ‘Earth’ and ‘Man.’

Starting with the opening film “10 Billion: What’s on Your Plate?”, a total of six films will be screened for two days.

“Through the movie, we will share our thoughts on the food culture of the earth and human being together and provide the opportunity to enjoy vegetarian culture not only for vegetarians, but also for the general public who are interested in vegetarianism and most modern people who did not know about vegetarianism,” an official from the Korea Green foundation said. “We look forward to the participation of citizens who are interested in environment and healthy food culture.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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