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Ministry of Environment to publish “2018 Environmental White Paper”'2018 환경백서 발간... 환경정책 총망라'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment said that it will publish “2018 Environmental White Paper” on August 22, which contains information on the achievements of various environmental policies pursued by the government last year and major environmental policies being implemented this year.

The '2018 Environment White Paper' introduces the ‘Environmental Policy Performance and Plan’ in Part 1, the policy trends by sector in the ‘Environmental Policy by Sector’ in Part 2, and the main statistics and major work diaries in the ‘Appendix’.

In Part 1, the establishment and implementation of comprehensive measures for fine dust, expansion of support for victims of humidifier sterilizer, promotion of four-river restoration, reform measures for environmental impact evaluation, the restoration of the governance system of the sustainable development, and the normalization of the climate change response system are described in detail as the major environmental policy achievements.

In Part 2, the current state of the detailed policies of each field, such as chemical substances, atmospheric environment, resource circulation, water environment, natural environment, and domestic and overseas situation, future prospects and plans are described.

In particular, this white paper describes the process of a series of policies in detail, focusing on environmental issues such as comprehensive measures for fine dust management, unification of water management, opening of the four major rivers, comprehensive measures for recycling waste management.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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