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Ministry of Environment upgrades a mobile application for real time air quality information'우리동네 대기정보 앱 새 단장'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment and the Korea Environment Corporation announced that they will provide an upgraded mobile application called ‘My Town’s Air Information’ from July 30.

Based on the location information of the user, the mobile app can provide real time atmospheric information on fine dust and ozone.

In addition, the visibility of the apps has been improved by diversifying the color of the screen, and the application has been upgraded so that it can quickly and accurately grasp the surrounding atmosphere information.

In particular, the mobile application renewal introduced GIS to enable users to quickly check information on air pollution measuring stations around users.

It also provides various information such as integrated air environment index, behavior information according to the state of air pollution, and weather so that the user can cope with high concentration of fine dust at any time.

Emergency fine dust reduction measures and air pollution warning, alert notification will be provided to users in the form of immediate notification (push notification).

"We have reorganized the app to provide quick and accurate air information to the public, which will make it easier and faster for the public to figure out the air pollution situation," said an official from the Ministry of Environment.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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