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Ministry of Environment designates "Non-point Pollution Management Week" from June 18 to June 30'환경부, 장마철 하천오염 방지 나선다'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Ministry of Environment has designated "Non-point Pollution Management Week" from June 18 to June 30 in preparation for the rainy season, and will start public relations activities to reduce the occurrence of nonpoint pollutants.

Non-point pollution refers to pollution that occurs when various pollutants are washed in rainwater and flows into the river or sea. Non-point pollutants that enter the river together with rainwater during the rainy season cause water pollution and green tide in the river.

The Ministry of the Environment has made efforts to build a non-point pollution source management system, such as comprehensive measures to manage non-point pollution sources in the four major rivers, and comprehensive measures to manage non-point pollution sources in order to reduce non-point pollution.

In 2018, the government will focus on forming an atmosphere of participation in reducing the non-point pollution of the nation by promoting communication in which the private and the public sectors participate together in the "Non-point Pollution Management Week".

In addition, non-point pollution management workshops participated by officials, businessmen, academics, and experts who are in charge of non-point pollution source management work will be held from June 28 to 29.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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