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Korea Meteorological Administration to change the standards for a heavy rain watch and warning'호우특보 개선으로 '비' 피해 줄인다'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Korea Meteorological Administration said it will change the standards for the announcement of heavy rain watch and warning from June 1 in order to reflect the increasing tendency of recent heavy rains.

The standard for issuing a heavy rain watch will be reduced from over 70 mm to over 60 mm, and the forecasted unit time will be shortened from more than 6 hours to more than 3 hours.

The standard for issuing a heavy rain warning also will be reduced from more than 110 mm to more than 90 mm in expected rainfall, and the estimated unit time will be shortened from more than 6 hours to more than 3 hours.

The revision was made due to the necessity raised to improve the standards, because there have been frequent local heavy rains caused by climate change.

It is expected that the changed standards will make it possible to respond more effectively to disaster prevention.

"Along with the increasing heavy rains recently, we will improve the standards for the announcement of a heavy rain watch and warning and will continue to cooperate with disaster response agencies and local governments to protect the safety and property of the people," said the Administrator.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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