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Korea Meteorological Administration and National Institute of Fisheries Science to share ocean observation networks'기상청-국립수산과학원, 해양관측망 연계'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Korea Meteorological Administration and the National Institute of Fisheries Science have promised to cooperate to minimize damage caused by abnormal water temperature due to climate change.

The cooperation is to link the real-time ocean observation networks operated by the organizationsto reinforce the real-time water temperature information, so that the fisheries and aquaculture workers can utilize the information in responding to fisheries disasters.

The National Institute of Fisheries Science, which is responsible for fisheries disasters, issues ‘hightemperature / low temperature alert' and provides'breaking news on the alert'. However, there are only 54 real-time marine environment fishery information systems on the coast of Korea. It is very difficult to grasp the change of water temperature in the whole coast in real time.

The Korea Meteorological Administration plans to expand the water temperature forecasting point from 54 existing sites to more than 100 sites by sharing surface layer water temperature sensors installed at 59 coasts nationwide with the National Institute of Fisheries Science.

After the data link test, real-time temperature information is provided from the middle of May through the website of the National Institute of Fisheries Science and the real-time temperature information application.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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