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Government to promote the establishment of hydrogen filling stations'민·관 합동 ‘수소충전소’ 구축 본격화'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The government (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transprt) agreed to establish a special purpose corporation (SPC) for the installation and operation of a hydrogen filling station with companies related to hydrogen cars and hydrogen filling stations on April 25.

The SPC establishment committee participated by organizations signing the MOUU will decided a detailed business model and investment scale, and plan to complete the establishment in November by recruiting more participating companies.

The SPC, which will be established this time, will mitigate the initial risk burden through the joint investment of various companies and will propose a business model in which private citizens can build and operate a hydrogen filling station by applying various business models.

Meanwhile, the government plans to distribute 15,000 hydrogen cars and build 310 hydrogen filling stations by 2022, according to the comprehensive measures for fine dust management announced in September last year. To this end, 10 hydrogen filling stations will be built in eight cities and provinces including Seoul, Busan, and Daejeon this year.

In addition, in order to promote the spread of hydrogen cars nationwide, hydrogen filling stations will be built on the highway in phases.

In order to expand the hydrogen car market, the government will continue to provide various incentives in the process of purchasing and operating hydrogen cars, and intensively support the development of technologies for hydrogen cars and key parts of filling stations.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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