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100 areas to be selected for 2018 Urban Regeneration New Deal Project by August'도시재생 뉴딜사업 8월까지 100곳 선정'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The government held the 11th Urban Regeneration Special Committee under the presidency of the Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon at the Seoul Government Office and voted on a selection plan for the 2018 Urban Regeneration New Deal Project.

The Special Committee has decided to select about 100 new cities for the 2018 Urban Regeneration New Deal Project by August this year, and decided to push ahead with the project by designating 50 out of the 68 pilot projects selected last year as the leading area.

The government will promote the New Deal project in some areas that are unlikely to cause unrest in the real estate market, which were excluded from the New Deal selection last year, including Seoul. It also plans to closely analyze the impact of the New Deal on the real estate market in Seoul.

In this year's selection, the government plans to focus on projects for realizing the goal of the Urban Regeneration New Deal, such as revitalizing old housing areas and restoring city competitiveness, utilizing localized assets, realizing national government tasks, and solving urban problems.

In particular, the Urban Regeneration New Deal Roadmap will focus on creating 250 innovation centers nationwide for the next five years, and will focus on projects to create innovative spaces for young start-up support and projects that will generate regional urban revitalization jobs.

The government plans to review measures to reflect on the public institution's management evaluation so that related public institutions can actively participate in the regeneration planning and selection process.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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