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Ministry of Environment introduces compulsory system of providing waste’s hazards information data'법 개정으로 폐기물 유해성 정보 공유 의무화'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment announced that a new system of providing waste’s hazards information data took effect that was introduced through the revision of the Wasted Control Act.

In accordance with the introduction of the system, a company discharging any industrial wastes must provide hazard information data of the waste concerned to the waste treatment business entity, and the waste treatment business entity shall put up a notice of the relevant hazard information data in waste collection and transportation vehicles, storage sites and treatment facilities.

Industrial waste dischargers are obliged to fill out a form and provide waste information including waste’s physical and chemical properties, hazardous characteristics such as explosiveness, flammability and corrosiveness, component, and precautions when handling the waste.

The Ministry of Environment is expecting that by introducing the system, the hazards information of the wastes collected by the disposal agent can be known in advance and the risk of accidents that may occur during the disposal process can be reduced.

The Ministry of Environment plans to implement a variety of support measures so that industrial waste discharger can complete data writing by October 19 this year.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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