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Government to strengthen the fine dust management system in the subway station'지하역사 미세먼지 엄격하게 관리'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment announced measures to improve the air quality of subway stations on March 23. This measure is expected to strengthen the fine dust management system of the underground station.

The government plans to make it mandatory to install automatic fine dust measuring equipment in major stations with a high pollution level and a large floating population, and to establish a system that enables citizens to check the pollution level in real time.

By 2020, the government will newly establish an indoor air quality supervisor system and make mandatory recruitment of qualified personnel in the subway station.

In addition, the government plans to introduce smart air quality management system that predicts the fine dust concentration in the station by using big data such as underground station’s internal and external pollution information and traffic information and optimizes the ventilation facilities according to the forecast.

The government also plans to remove fine dust sources in the tunnel by changing gravel railroad tracks to concrete and introducing equipment for water cleaning in the tunnel.

Air quality improvement devices will be installed in all subway passenger compartments in Seoul next year and will be gradually expanded to subway lines nationwide.

"The subway is an important living space for citizens rather than mere means of transportation, so we will make every effort to ensure that the measures are implemented according to plan," said an officer of the Ministry of Environment. "Especially, the indoor air quality supervisor system is expected to have a considerable effect in terms of job creation, we will make effort to get the system in place early.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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