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S. Korea to develop the 3rd Basic Energy Plan by this year'2040년 제3차 에너지기본계획 수립 착수'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held a Working Group (hereinafter referred to as, WG) meeting to discuss the 3rd Basic Energy Plan on March 19.

The Basic Energy Plan is a top-level administrative plan for the energy sector to be established every five years based on the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth. The government plans to establish the 3rd Basic Energy Plan (2019-2040) by the end of this year.

The government has formed five public and private WGs (① Overall ② Conflict Management and Communication ③ Demand ④ Supply ⑤ Industries and Jobs: A total of 70 civilian members participated), and the role of the WG is to come up with recommendations for the 3rd Basic Energy Plan.

The main characteristic of the WG for the 3rd Basic Energy Plan is that it overturned the paradigm of the 2nd Basic Energy Plan, which has organized subcommittees and has drawn policy tasks from the perspective of energy suppliers such as electric power and nuclear power.

“Last year, we completed the three major pillars for energy conversion through the Energy Conversion Roadmap, the Implementation Plan for the 3020 Renewable Energy, and the 8th Basic Plan for Electric Power Supply and Demand,” said Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy. “This year’s goal is to establish a comprehensive vision of energy conversion policy throughout the economy and society by the year 2040 through the 3rd Basic Energy Plan.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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