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Korea to introduce electric parcel delivery vehicles from November'전기택배차법 통과, 미세먼지 저감 기대'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] From November this year, it is expected that air pollution from car emissions of parcel delivery vehicles will be improved in residential areas as the Amendment of Trucking Transport Business Act, which was initiated by Ok-Joo Song of the ruling Democratic Party, has recently passed the National Assembly.

The current Trucking Transport Business Act does not permit an increase in the number of vehicles exceeding the standards by industrial classification, which are notified by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. However, the Amendment allows new licenses for eco-friendly vehicles, such as electric cars and hydrogen-powered cell vehicles, on condition of ban on consignment.

Diesel vehicles have been recognized as the main source of fine dust, and the government has been promoting policies that increase the proportion of environmentally friendly cars.

In particular, diesel parcel delivery trucks have caused civil complaints and health damage due to a lot of fine dust emissions generated by their long average mileage and frequent idling and low-speed operations when driving in residential areas.

Last year, the National Assembly pointed out that ‘59% of the ultrafine dust emissions from the use of diesel occurs in road mobile pollution sources such as passenger cars and trucks, and the diesel trucks’ emission of fine dust are 145 times that of diesel passenger cars.’

As the law has been passed, electric parcel delivery vehicles are expected to be distributed widely.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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