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Key Technologies of the 4th Industry Utilized for Marine Ecosystem Prediction

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The National Institute of Fisheries Science has announced that it would launch a study on the development of a Korean ecosystem model that utilizes core technologies of the 4th industry from this year to scientifically predict the changes in the marine ecosystem of the country caused by climate change.

Recent global climate change has been accompanied by a gradual decline in the amount of phytoplankton that is the predominant feeding organism of marine ecosystems, and by a change in the species composition.

The research project by the National Institute of Fisheries Science is expected to contribute to a scientific analysis on the effects of these changes on the growth of zooplankton and young fish, and to a prediction of ecosystem changes in the future.

In order to forecast the fluctuation of fishery resources in the littoral sea in real time, the Institute will select the fishery resources fluctuation model, which is widely used at home and abroad, and develop a marine resources variation model optimized for Korean waters.

In this process, four key technologies of the 4th industry such as drone, big data, artificial intelligence, and life sciences will be used to improve accuracy.

The head of the National Institute of Fisheries Science said, "We will build a model to predict the changes in the environment of our waters, and based on this, we will establish an efficient fisheries resource management paradigm in response to climate change."

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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