기사 (전체 383건)
‘Government organization law’ for water management Unification passes the National Assembly 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-30 08:43
Amendment to the Asbestos Safety Management Act to be enforced 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-29 08:46
Forest devastation in the North Korean border area found to be serious 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-28 17:55
Korea Meteorological Administration to change the standards for a heavy rain watch and warning 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-25 18:03
Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to cooperate to prevent animal road kills 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-24 17:39
An operation of an Asiatic black bear completed successfully 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-23 09:57
Government to strengthen rainwater storage facility maintenance ahead of the rainy season 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-22 12:20
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries launches a 'Marine Greenhouse Gas Reduction Response Research Council' 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-21 09:51
National Institute of Forest Science to set up a ‘Landslide Prediction and Analysis Center’ 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-21 09:41
Public transportation usage rate decreases for the last seven years 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-17 09:10
Special inspection on emissions of ozone-related substance using drones to begin 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-16 09:50
Country's water reserve rate surpasses the average level this year 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-15 13:14
Strengthening crackdown on illegal hiking in national park 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-14 14:10
Aircraft information fee imposed to foreign airlines to rise by 85% 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-14 14:10
Second pilot project for a vehicle carbon point system to begin 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-11 16:17
Ministry of Environment to support LPG school bus for children’s health 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-09 09:23
Government to impose emission charges on nitrogen oxides 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-08 12:11
Korea Meteorological Administration and National Institute of Fisheries Science to share ocean observation networks 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-07 18:16
In-depth research on Mt. Baekdu volcano begins 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-04 13:11
Ministry of Environment to focus on non-point pollution sources ahead of the rainy season 조수빈 리포터 2018-05-03 08:44
[포토] 대한건설보건학회 후기 학술대회
[포토] 한국물환경학회-대한상하수도학회 공동학술발표회 개최
[포토]최병암 산림청 차장, 생활밀착형 숲 조성사업 준공식 참석
[포토] ‘제22회 아름다운 화장실 대상’ 시상식 개최
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