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OECD Highly Regards Korea’s Response to COVID-19"We should prepare like Korea’s response to epidemics after SARS Ended in 2003”

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The OECD Secretariat summarized and analyzed the countermeasures taken within health systems in major OECD countries and proposed a mid/long term response plan. Highly regarding Korea’s rapid and extensive response after the cease of the SARS epidemic, they must act accordingly to its response when COVID-19 ends.

Korea consists of efficient medical care and health care systems without an economic burden in order to treat all patients. Furthermore, hospitals are punished if they are to reject a suspected patient. Following Korea’s lead, Many OECD countries are rapidly developing a system to ensure that citizens with Coronavirus can be examined and treated without financial burden, along with an on-going universal health insurance system.

Many countries and organizations are trying to increase their production on testing kits, masks, and hand sanitizers. A lot of countries are planning policies to mobilize manpower and support medical and health workers in all ways in order to examine and treat as many suspected patients as possible. In such, countries are using different ways to expand manpower such as the United States requesting retired medics. However, France, Italy, and Japan are only examining patients that have severe symptoms off the virus due to its limited resources.

In addition to medical resources, technology is intensively used to monitor and track down the movements of the patients. Although there is still controversy for violating one’s privacy, some countries still use it to prevent further infections. Apps are constantly created to inform live news about Coronavirus, available masks sold in stores, and more.

Chijung Park Reporter  chijungpark@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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