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Observation of Yellow Sea’s Air QualityAnalysis in long-distanced migratory aerosols and improvement in prediction of yellow dust

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Korean Meteorological Administration Director Jong Seok Kim conducts four rounds of tests (aircraft, ship, ground, and satellite) to three-dimensionally observe the Yellow Sea (ocean fronts Incheon to Mokpo) from March 20th to June 5th. This three-dimensional observation analyzes the nature and impact of yellow dust, fine dust, and other air pollutants that commonly flow from the West. By using this new strategy, it allows us to have further information about air quality in Korea.

To achieve this new method, the Yellow Sea-Air Quality (YES-AQ) Campaign, along with other eight organizations such as the National Institute of Meteorological Science) will take part by mobilizing 63 various weather-related and air quality-related equipment. In particular, the Meteorological Agency and the Ministry of Environment will utilize each of their aircraft to strengthen the observation of air pollutants.

Different types of equipment are used for different rounds. For example, in the ground testing round, the Agency will use climate change monitoring stations and other measurement equipment installed by the Seoul National University in order to analyze the physical, chemical, and optical information of the air particles. For its fourth testing round, satellite data of aerosol from MODIS and CALIOP provided by NASA and GOCI will be used.

This new observation will be used to improve the prediction and characterization of yellow dust through these four tests based on the analysis of yellow dusts’ flow migratory aerosols. In turn, it will be provided as base data for establishing air quality policies related to yellow dust. Jong Seok Kim believes that the three-dimensional observation will aid in Korea’s policies and predictions against air pollutants and its national health.

Chijung Park Reporter  chijungpark@hkbs.co.kr

<저작권자 © 환경일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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