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Announcement of Guidelines for Keeping Social Distances within WorkplacesFacilitation of telecommunicating, flexible work hours, and vacation uses

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] On March 21st, the Minister of Employment and Labor Jae-gab Lee distributed the “Guidelines for Social Distance in the Workplace” that should be followed by employers and employees. This guideline facilitates the employment of telecommuting, flexible office hours, and vacation policies in common workplaces to minimize any losses for the employer and employee. Furthermore, it focuses on telecommuting, using annual leave, and calling in sick for people that have slight symptoms of the Coronavirus.

In order to encourage telecommuting, flexible office hours, and more, the Ministry will support the workers as much as possible with infrastructure construction cost, indirect labor costs, and family care expenses. In such, the Ministry highly recommends this guideline to prevent contagion as fast as possible.

To extend this guideline to more organizations, they employed several labor and employment management organizations to promote these guidelines with several mediums such as radios, billboards, and more. They announced that it will closely examine workplaces with a high density of its workers as these places have high chances of spreading Coronavirus.

From this new establishment in response to the global crisis, Jae-gab Lee hopes that many workplaces will participate and adapt this guideline to prevent further aggravation of the pandemic.

Chijung Park Reporter  chijungpark@hkbs.co.kr

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