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IPCC holds conference in Paris to examine outline of 2022 climate change reportIPCC reviews the Synthesis Report to prepare for the first global stocktake taken from the Paris Agreement in 2023

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will meet in Paris, France from February 24th to 28th in order to review the Synthesis report for the Sixth Assessment Report. The conference will be hosted by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as its 52nd Session.

The event will start on the morning of February 24th with a media briefing led by Mr. Hoesung Lee, the IPCC Chair; Ms. Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General; and Mr. Abdalah Mokssit, Secretary of the IPCC. Opening Ceremony of the 52nd Session will follow after the media briefing, which will consist of multiple affiliates from UNESCO, UNEP, IPCC, and more. Also, there will be a keynotes speech by Mr. Jose Cassandra, the President of the Regional Government of Principe Island, and an artistic performance. After the opening ceremony, there will be a panel discussion with the IPCC called “Planet in Peril: Transforming the Course of Climate Action,” bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to share various perspectives on Climate Change. Finally, there will be a closed session to elect a member of the Brea of the Task Force on national Gas inventories, to examine the Synthesis Report, and to prepare for the first global stocktake.

For a brief context. the IPCC was established by UNEP and WMO in 1988, specifically created to provide policymakers with consistent, scientific assessments of climate change. It is operated in total transparency and objectivity with scientists from diverse backgrounds working on three main topics-climate change’s physical science basis, its impacts and vulnerability, and its mitigation. IPCC reports give scientific insight that the government can employ when developing climate policies; therefore, this event regards to be a crucial process as it reviews and discusses the outline.

In addition, one of the main goals for this event’s agenda is launching its first global stocktake. Specifically, global stocktake is an established five-year cycle process from the 2015 Paris Agreement in which every country must present a climate action plan. (The first one will be in 2023). Along with a review of the Synthesis Report, IPCC will prepare how the first global stocktake will proceed.

The UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay stated, “The work of IPCC is of vital importance and…is determined to draw from multiple resources..in leading the transformation we need for people and the planet.” In such, this conference is a checkpoint, or a mark, to effective climate action.

Chijung Park Reporter  chijungpark@hkbs.co.kr

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