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Smart water supply management system to be introduced'스마트상수도 본격 추진, 실시간 수질 감시'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment is planning to introduce a smart water supply management system starting this year in order to prevent water quality accidents and provide tap water that people can drink safely. Smart water supply system is equipped with real-time monitoring and automatic management of the current situation by installing water quality, water pressure monitoring system, automatic drainage system, and precision filtration system in the pipe network.

The project to establish a smart water supply management system will cost about 1.4 trillion won by 2022. In the first half of this year, a basic plan to establish a smart water management system will be established first.

After the establishment of the basic plan, the smart water supply management system will be first introduced to 44 local governments, including Seoul, Busan, and Gwangju in the second half of this year. The system will be established nationwide by 2022.

When the smart water supply management system is introduced, it is expected to strengthen the public's trust in tap water by identifying and promptly dealing with water supply problems quickly. In the past, it was difficult to recognize the problem until an accident in a water supply facility occurred.

Meanwhile, ‘Smart Water Supply Management System Policy and Technology Forum’ will be held on January 15 for related companies.

The forum will share the current status of the project to establish a smart water supply management system and discuss design standards for each of the major technologies to introduce the smart water supply management system.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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