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Seven industries including construction to join in reducing fine dust'건설 등 7개 업종, 미세먼지 감축 동참'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment will sign a ‘voluntary agreement to reduce fine dust in the high-concentration season’ on December 10 with 43 companies in seven industries, including glass manufacturing, non-ferrous metals, paper manufacturing, regional heating, public power generation, cement manufacturing and construction.

The agreement is the second voluntary agreement with the industry to reduce fine dust since the signing with five industries, including steelmaking, on December 3.

Thirty-two companies in six industries, excluding construction, are operating a total of 52 workplaces, and air pollutants emitted from those workplaces amount to 170,000 tons per year (as of 2018, dust, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxide).

It accounts for about 54% of the annual 330,000 tons of air pollutants emitted from 625 workplaces equipped with Tele-monitoring System (TMS).

Workplaces of the seven industries participating in the agreement will take measures to reduce fine dust emissions during the high concentration season.

Each workplace will set and operate stricter emission concentration standards than the ones under the current law.

In addition, the construction site will use a simple measuring device to measure dust inside the construction site and disclose it through electronic boards.

The Environment Ministry will actively promote the industry's efforts to reduce fine dust and its achievements, and come up with institutional support measures to smoothly implement the agreement.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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