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Survey on indoor radon to be conducted for 2,000 households in apartments'아파트 2000가구, 실내라돈 실태 조사'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The National Institute of Environmental Research will conduct a four-month survey of 2,000 households in apartment buildings across the country from December this year on the status of indoor radon concentration.

As the concentration of radon in apartments has not been higher than that of detached houses, the survey has not been conducted since 2014. The indoor radon concentration survey has been conducted every two years since 2011 and has focused on detached houses affected by soil since 2014.

As the issue of radon continues to be raised recently, the government will conduct a survey on the actual conditions of apartments again.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Environment conducted a nationwide housing radon survey (2011-2018) prior to this survey, surveying about 30,000 households and grasping the national radon distribution.

Based on the result of the survey, seven local governments with relatively high concentrations of radon were recommended to establish and implement a radon management plan.

In addition, the government plans to continue research on exposure factors and ways to reduce public anxiety over exposure to radon in apartments.

“As the survey accurately evaluates the concentration of radon in real-life environmental conditions, we expect to have the necessary basic data to develop the policy for managing radon in apartments,” said an official from the National Institute of Environmental Research.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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